Did you know that the income Tetbury Goods Shed receives from events and the Whistle Stop Café covers just two thirds of the costs of running this exciting and creative arts centre? That’s just the running costs, which is what we need simply to stand still. However, far from just standing still, we have always been looking to improve the Shed and the experience we offer. For all of these we need additional money. As we don’t get any centralised grants, this has to come almost entirely from donations.

By donating to Tetbury Goods Shed you can help us continue to run a diverse and inspiring programme of events for all ages, at affordable prices. And continue in our ambitions to become a centre of excellent for the arts in the South Cotswolds.

If you can make a donation, whether small or large, a one-off payment or a regular Direct Debit, you can help us to ensure Tetbury Goods Shed is a continuing and resilient success; and also secure the long term future of this iconic Victorian building.

You can also become a member of the Red Carpet Club with a donation of £100. Simply enter your name and email below and submit the form (you’ll be taken to our payment page to complete the payment. You will have access to priority booking, ticket offers on selected performances, socials, special Red Carpet Club-only performances, and much more!

Yes, please enrol me in the Red Carpet Club

We are incredibly grateful for your help and support.


If you are able to give a larger or more regular donation to The Shed, we would be delighted to discuss the details with you. Please contact our office on

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