Festive funnies at The Goods Shed Comedy Club, this month being delivered by a bunch of Comedy Christmas Crackers: Paul F Taylor, Stephanie Laing and Danny Deegan.

Paul F Taylor is one of the UK comedy circuit’s most exciting and original stand-up acts. His unique brand of humour, fusing quirky offbeat gags with a surreal observational comedy is totally captivating and utterly hilarious.

Paul F Taylor

“Relentlessly daft absurdism.” The List

An impressive knack for both observational wit and quirky flights of fancy.” The Evening Standard

Stephanie Laing started performing in April 2007 on the Scottish comedy circuit. She quickly established herself as one of the most promising acts of her generation on the comedy scene, and in 2015 appeared as a finalist in the prestigious Leicester Mercury Comedian Of The Year competition.

Stephanie is best described as goofy and peculiar, and her comedy is partway between the needy oddness of Maria Bamford and the upbeat affability of Josie Long. Her material is a mix of silliness, filth and unusual observations, underpinned by a disarming honesty which makes her seem charmingly vulnerable.

Now a regular on the circuit, Stephanie has also become a stalwart of comedy festivals across the country having appeared at Brighton Fringe, Leicester Comedy Festival, York Comedy Festival, Bath Comedy Festival, Women in Comedy Festival as well as appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe every year since 2010.

With the confidence and swagger that you might expect of a North-West comedian at the very top of his game, Danny Deegan is a comedian, writer and actor who has become a regular at most of the major comedy clubs in the UK since he began performing in 2003.

Danny’s tales of mischief and the characters he creates have kept audiences all over the country enthralled as he weaves in and out of the people he has met travelling. His talent and likeability coupled with his confidence make him one of the most popular acts in the North, a master at dealing with a tough crowd, and an act that promoters always turn to when booking gigs.

Licensed bar. Doors open at 7.30pm. Suitable for 18 years and over. Please note: on the door on the night tickets will cost £17 and £13 respectively.

Line-up is liable to change.

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