Learn this iconic swing dance with Jimmy and Sarah. Beginners and improvers classes. Tickets: £7 a class. Pay on the door on the night (cash or card).

The Lindy Hop is an fun partner dance that is said to have been invented in The Savoy Ballroom, Harlem, New York, in the 1920s and 1930s. It’s danced to swing music from Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald, Artie Shaw and Duke Ellington, to name a but few.

It was the American GI soldiers who bought Lindy Hop to Britain in the early 1940s. It’s the daddy of all Swing Dances. It’s fun, its cool and you get fit at the same time.

7pm – Beginner Level. This is for complete novices. We will teach the basics step by step building on the fundamentals each week. We explain about lead and follow and how to feel and listen to the music.

8pm Improvers Level. This class is for dancers who already have some experience in dancing Lindy Hop. An understanding of six- and eight-count rhythms and the ability to triple step is preferred. We will build on core moves, adding in Lindy Turns, Swing Outs and Circles. Some fun footwork variations and Charleston steps will improve your musicality to elevate your dancing to another level.

Wear smooth soled flat shoes and comfy clothes. No partner required as we will rotate the class. Or you can stay with your partner if you prefer.

As Sarah says, “It has been proven that dancing helps improve your memory, social life and fitness. We all go to weddings and parties and see a couple dancing rock ‘n’ roll or jive and wish we could have a go. Well, here’s the perfect opportunity to learn in the most amazing venue”.

Term Dates

Tuesday 3rd September – Tuesday 10th December inclusive.

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