Bringing to the Shed a rare combination of accomplishments as recitalist and globally-respected academic, Roy Howat leads us through the work of the much-loved composers of the golden age of solo piano that ran through the 19th to the early 20th century.

He traces the influence of the earlier generations on those coming later, and helps us understand why – if we like Chopin – we probably like Ravel and Debussy too.

After taking a double first degree in Music at King’s College, Cambridge, Roy made a specialised study of French repertoire in Paris. At the same time, he undertook a doctorate on the music of Debussy, which formed the basis of his ground-breaking book Debussy in Proportion (Cambridge UP, 1983). He also played violin in various London chamber orchestras, and became one of the founding editors of the Paris-based Œuvres complètes de Claude Debussy, for which he edited most of Debussy’s solo piano music and a substantial element of his chamber music.

Roy can be heard as pianist on numerous CDs of piano and chamber music and songs, and has performed with an array of distinguished colleagues. In the 1980s he toured Bartók’s Sonata for two pianos and percussion with Erzsébet Tusa, the former duo partner of Ditta Pásztory-Bartók, and more recently his performances with the Panocha Quartet of Prague have brought the house down in numerous countries and venues, including the Wigmore Hall.

Roy is presently Keyboard Research Fellow at the Royal Academy of Music and Senior Professorial Research Fellow at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, as well as Visiting Professor at the University of Adelaide, and an Honorary Fellow of Jesus College Cambridge.

Licensed bar. Doors open 6pm. Concert starts 6:30pm.

 PLEASE NOTE:  On the door on the night tickets will cost £28 and  £18 respectively.

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