There is such a huge selection of food available, all with different labels and accreditation. But what does it all mean?

Consumers are urged to buy the most ethically produced foods in order to care for the planet, their own health, and ensure high animal welfare. However, this often comes at a price not everyone can afford.

This Shed Talk will help you understand food labelling, provenance, and guide you on how to shop healthily and affordably.

Sophia Ashe

Sophia Ashe graduated from the Royal Agricultural University in 2019 with a BSc (Hons) in Agriculture and now works full time on a farm. She has a particular interest in genetic, climate and global food production systems.

She also spent a few months working in Australia and Argentina to gain a greater knowledge of global food production, and has been been selected as one of the NFU Young Ambassadors for 2024.

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